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Diary, May 2023

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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

New plants in the garden

Last Sunday, I finished constructing and placing a pergola in the back garden. Today, Conny and I went to buy some new plants and plant them in the garden. We planted the following plants, of which the first three around near the pergola: We also seeded some more flowers and Zucchini in the garden. We removed a lot of winter purslane from the garden and ate some it for dinner as a stamppot ('mash pot').

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Dune 2 trailer

I watched the Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer trailer. Here is my break down: The trailer does not have the emporer and Alia in it.

Remark: On May 9, I made some corrections after viewing Dune: Part Two - Trailer Breakdown & Thoughts (Featuring Christopher Ruocchio)
Remark: On May 17, I made some more changes after viewing Everything You Missed in the DUNE 2 Trailer.

Below some more reaction videos I watched. Probably the last batch, because it gets harder and harder to find ones that I have not see yet.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Finals catalogues

I decided to have a look at the book KABK Eindexamencatalogus 2005/2006, which is ahout the students of KBAK that graduated in 2007. There are eight editions of this catalogue, each of which is sorted on a different property of the students. The version that I have is sorted on phone number. There is no introduction and also no description per department. Each student has been given one sheet that is only printed on one side. In the outside margin of the printed side, the eight properties are mentioned together with a number indicating the position of the student in the sort. For my edition the numbers with the phone number act as a kind of page numbers (where only the right pages are numbered). I found the following students and/or their page interesting:

I also had a look at KABK Eindexamen catalogus 2005/2006, which is ahout the students of KBAK that graduated in 2006. All students were given two opposing pages to be filled. In the margin at the bottom of the page some basic information is given about each student. I found the following students and/or their page interesting:

Finally, I had a look at Eindexamen 1996: Academie van Beeldemde Kunsten Rotterdam, which is about the students of what is now called Willem de Kooning Academy. The catalogue is in black and white. Most students are only given a part of a page. Through the middle of each page, there is some vertical perforation, allowing you tear of each page. I found the following students interesting:

Sunday, May 7, 2023


I went to Nordhorn and visited the former building of the sawmill, in German called sägemühle, that now houses Atelier Sägemühle. I went there to attend the opening of the exhibition ZEIT_SPANNEN with nine paintings by Carina Schüring. It is more than five years ago that I attended an exhibition of her works and she definitely has made some interesting developments. She still balances the line between figurative and abstract, although there are also works that are clearly figurative or abstract. I was surprised by the her use of geometric shapes in her works.

The Last Witness

I also went to see the exhibition The Last Witness with works by Heba Y. Amin (هبة يحيى أمين) at Städtische Galerie in Nordhorn. The exhibition also included the works: Project Speak2Tweet and Atom Elegy. The two-channel video projection The Last Witness is about the ghost town La Güera, which lies near the most south part of Western Sahara.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


At 17:42, I bought the following two books from charity shop Het Goed:

Thursday, May 11, 2023


At 13:21, I received the book 50 Jahre Years of Documenta, 1955-2005: Archive in motion - Discreet energies written by Michael Glasmeier in German and English and published by Steidl Publishers in 2005, ISBN:9783865211460, which I had bought on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 21:11:30 from La vache qui lit for € 19.00.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Foundscape Orchestra

This evening, I went to a performance by the Foundscape Orchestra at the Fictie Frictie Festival, which is organized and held at the area of Studio Compex & Hangarrrrrr. The performance was done by electronic musician Daniel Maalman and sound artist Jasper Schütz, who are accompanied by violin player Brit Issa Rijnen. The performance consisted of three parts. In the first part sounded like an improvisation between Brit Issa Rijnen and one of the other artist 'playing' on the snares of a piano. In the second part she played together with the piano that was producing rhythmic sounds by mechanical relays attached to it. The sounds were magnified and the large room also added it richness to the sound. It seems that Brit Issa Rijnen also sang some bits. I enjoyed this performance very much. The third part was in a different room, the long hall under the hall where the newspaper printing press was installed. There were many sound (noise) making devices around another piano frame with relays attachted to it. People, I myself included, walk a bit around the room, as the pillars obscured some parts. During the second half of the performanced, I decided to dance a bit to even more enjoy the performance.

Saturday, May 13, 2023


I went into the city and visited a number of exhibitions. I first went to TETEM Art Space to see the exhibition Digital Care: Jeep & Livinus van de Bundt and Steina, which was organized in cooperation with the AKI and LIMA. The two videos Violin Power by Steina Vasulka and Moiré by Linus and Jeep van de Bundt were alternating shown on two cathode-ray tube monitors. (The monitors belonged to a video wall that was installed around 1995 in the lobby of the computer sciene building at the University of Twente.) I talked some time with a teacher from the AKI that was present to answer question from visitors.

Next, I saw the exhibition Compu Compo with prints by Anna Pisula Mandziej at Fotogalerie Objektief and the exhibition of paintings by Ina Wolters at the galery Beeld & Aambeeld. While walking further through the city center, I encountered the Pride Photo Exhibition 2023 and the Street Art Festival. At Concordia there were no exhibitions, but I heard that they were selling the works from their collection because they stopped with their art lending activities. I did look at a work by Hill Boxem.

Sunday, May 14, 2023


Conny and I went to Zutphen. We first went to pick up a Phonic MR 1843X mixer, which I bought second hand for € 25.00 because I want to experiment with No Input Mixing. We walked around the city. We walked along: Then we visited the Stedelijk Museum Zutphen where we saw the exhibition about the history of Zutphen. I liked the following two paintings in this exhibition: Next, we saw the exhibition In het oog organized at the 100 year jubilee of the photographers collective 'De Zutphense', which was started by Lein de Nood. I liked the following photographs: At 16:33:40, I bought the book Nieuwe Historische Atlas van Zutphen written by Willem Frijhoff, Michel Groothedde, and Christiaan te Strake in Dutch and published by Boom uitgevers Amsterdam in 2022, ISBN:9789024449972, for € 29.90 in the museum shop.

On the way back, we also visited the exposition at Dat Bolwerck where we saw the exhibition I won't be an egg which you would crack in a hurry for the world. I liked the following works:

We also saw the installation Levendig water by Anne ten Ham in the cellar of the building. Really very creative: light projected on water reflecting on the wall in an almost dark room. Conny took a picture of me.

Saturday, May 20, 2023


In the past weeks, I continues working on the kaem_parser.cpp program, which I developed for analysing the fosslinux/live-bootstrap repository. The output of the program is the page live-bootstrap that contains the actual source of the program that generated it. (Whenever I continue working on the program, the page will be updated.) I have now reached a point that I feel it is rather stable. The output file out.txt that is generated by the program, now does not contain any errors and warnings. Please note that the program only processes the repository up to and including building bash. I expect that implementing a function to parse bash files will be quite a lot of work.

Sunday, May 21, 2023


At the end of the afternoon, Conny and I arrived in Groesbeek where we are going to stay until Saturday. We hired an apparment at 'De Zeven Heuvelen' (Dutch for the seven hills). We had dinner at restaurant: Lee Fo Hook. At their website it says (in Dutch): Get to know the refined Chinese, Indian and Cantonese cuisine.the Chinese, Conny ordered Tipan sam sin (shrimp, fish fillet and crab with vegetables in kon bo sauce) and I ordered Kon bo kai (chicken with vegetables in sweet-spicy sause). We enjoyed the dinner. This is the first time I am staying in Groesburg. I might have traveled through it about fifty years ago. I remember that one day, we took a kind of train, more like a tram, where the train operator was sitting behind a window allowing you to look to the tracks in front of the train. I also remember that it was going to Germany and that we only stayed a short time to travel back. It is possible that this was the train service from Nijmegen to Kleve with an Uerdingen railbus that goes through Groesberg. The railroad was in use until 1991. Since 2018 the railroad between Groesberg and Kleve can be traveled with rail-cycle draisines. In 2019 a fast cycle route has been available next to the railway. We stayed on the balcony of the apartment till ten, reading something and eating some cucumber and cherry tomatoes.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Archaeological Park Xanten

Today, Conny and I visited the Archaeological Park in Xanten at the location of the Roman city Colonia Ulpia Traiana, which was established in 110 AD and used to be a the banks of the Rhine. Currently the Rhine runs a bit more to the east. On the way going there we stopped at the location of the border pole 593, which is interesting because it is also at the border of the provinces of Gelderland and Limburg which runs almost parallel with the border between the Netherlands and Germany for about 300 meters and with a width of about 30 meters. We failed to locate the border pole. We did find some pole laying flat on the ground, which could have been the border pole, but we did not find any marks establishing this. We walked a little back and located border pole 594. We also drove a road called the Helweg in Milsbeek and parked in Plasmolen to visited the location of a Roman villa, the largest ever discovered in the Netherlands. On the way home we discovered a parking ticket of € 20.00 under the windshield wiper because I had not placed a parking disc behind the windshield to indicate our time of arrival. We had dinner in restaurant Glüxxklee in Kalkar. Conny ordered an organic pork schnitzel and I ordered a falafel burger.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Museum Arnhem

Today, Conny and I went to Arnhem to visit Museum Arnhem. On the way going there, we first visited the castellum called Principia Meinerswijk. At the museum we met with Peter Struycken and with him we saw the exhibtion Hans Baluschek & Carel Willink: Art for the people with works by Hans Baluschek and Carel Willink, who for some time was his pupil when he stayed in Berlin. Some of the works we saw are: Furhermore, we also saw:

Next we walked to the 'square' called the Roermondsplein where work has started for a recreation of the 'Blauwe Golven', the largest art work in a public space in the Netherlands, which was designed by Peter Struycken and constructed in 1977. In the past years there were some plans to remove the art work but now it will be recreated and even slightly extended. Work just started a few weeks ago and the project is planned to be completed in 2025 in a number of phases.

We walked through the center of Arnhem and visited the Indonesian restaurant Batavia where we had a dinner and where Peter took a picture of use:

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Duivelsberg and Wolfsberg

In the morning Conny and I went to Duivelsberg (Dutch for "the devil's mountain"). On the way there, we made a stop at Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery. We climbed the Castel Hill where in the Middle Ages there was a mergelp. Next we walked to the vantage point from where we could see Hoghelten (which we visited last year) in the far distance. The Duivelsberg used to be part of Germany, but after the second world war it was annexed by the Netherlands. It was the only (substantial) area that was not returned back to the Germany on August 1, 1963. We went searching for some border poles in the area. We found the following poles: We failed to locate some poles on the part of the border we traveled due the area being overgrown with weeds. (Which reminded us that it already a bit too late in the year for border pole hunting and/or that we should have brought a large knife with us.)

In the afternoon, we parked our car near the hotel and restaurant De Wolfsberg, named after the hill with the same name (Dutch for wolf hill). Conny had bought a book with a walking route starting from the hotel and we tried to follow the description. Luckily there was some map with it as well, otherwise we would have got lost. It was a culture historic walk, which meant that with many of the highlights along the route, there was nothing to be seen anymore. We walked only a part of the whole track and returned to the hotel to have dinner in the restaurant. We went for the 3-course asparagus menu. It was a bit a classy restaurant. The dinner was good but not exceptional.

Thursday, May 25, 2023


Conny and I visited Nijmegen. Only in the morning, I discovered that the Valkhof Museum is being renovated and temporarily open at a different location on the Keizer Karelplein. There was a reduced entry price because they only had a small exhibition about the discovery of the Roman temple at Herwen-Hemeling. We go a free map about placed with visual art in Nijmegen. After this, we walked hrough the city and visted: After this we went to the Turkish restaurant Ziyafet. Conny ordered Çoban Salatasi as a start and Adana Special as main course. I ordered Babagannuş as a started and Tavuk Güveç as a main course. With our starter dishes we also got some bread and a Cacik starter.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Checking EML files for Overijssel

Last week, I noticed that Election Markup Language (EML) files with all the information about the elections on March 15 were published by the Dutch government. There is remark that states that the electoral council has not checked the quality and completeness of the data. All the EML files were stored in three zip files. I downloaded those files and decided to check them for the provice Overijssel to which Enschede belongs. I wrote the program Parse_EML_PS2023_Overijssel.cpp based the program I wrote in March. I already verified that the EML file for Enschede is exactly the same as the one I analyzed before. The program did report some errors, but non with respect to the summation of the number of votes being cast on all the candidates of the various parties.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Museum Schloss Moyland

Conny and I visited the Musuem at Moyland Castle called Museum Schloss Moyland. We first saw the exhibition Johann Peter Heek: Landschaften. I saw the following works all by Johann Peter Heek:

Next we went to the cellar to watch the sculpture exhibition. Some of the works I found noteworthy:

Next we watched the exhibition Joseph Beuys – Works from the Van der Grinten Collection about Joseph Beuys, who was born in Krefeld and grew-up in Krefeld. The museum houses his archive. Beuys is a performance artist and a strong personality, which I feel makes an exhibition of his works rather difficult. Some of the works by Joseph Beuys unless specified otherwise, I found noteworth:

Next we watched the exhibition Isaac Chong Wai in Dialogue with Joseph Beuys: The End of Growth. I found the following works noteworthy:

We walked around and saw the works:

And we climbed the tower (104 steps) and walked the tour. After this we watched the exhibition Landscapes: Florenz & Istanbul. I found the following works noteworthy:

We looked around the garden and had some cake. At 14:02, we bought the following books from the museum shop:

Sunday, May 28, 2023

KunstenLandschap 2023

I biked around the route of KunstenLandschap 2023. I found the following worth mentioning:

Monday, May 29, 2023

Some books

We got to select some books from a large collection of old books. I picked the following:

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


At 17:23:27, I bought the following two books book from charity shop Het Goed:

This months interesting links

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