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Diary, April 1999

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Thursday, April 8, 1999

Average time spend in the restrooms

Here at where I work now, there is one restroom for the whole department. Mostly, I meet many others there during my visit there. This made me wonder about the average time that employees spent in the restrooms. The average number of people in the restrooms equals to the number of employees times the relative amounth they spent in inside the facilities (assuming that people attent the restrooms at random intervals). This number minus one, is the average number of people that are in the facilities, while you are there, assuming that all people spent about the same time in the facilities. The number of people you meet is about twice as high as this number, because some people go out shortly after you enter, while others go in, just before you go out.

If you would count the number of people that you encounter on each visit, and the time you spend in the facilities, you can calculate the average time every body spends there. Of course, theory and reality differ. There are certain times when people attent the restrooms more often, such as directly before the lunch break, or at the end of the day.

Wednesday, April 14, 1999

Snow storm

Annabel was the first to spot some snow this morning on our daily trip to Almelo with the whole family. Snow had been predicted, but it was raining. The snow she spotted was on the top of a truck, that appearently came from a place where it has snowed.

After we dropped the children of in Almelo, it started to snow, and before we knew we were caught into a snow storm. On the road the snow disappeared immediately, but on the grass it stayed.

On the news they told that at some places more than 5 cm (2 inches) of snow had fallen. Less than a week ago, you could go outside without a coat.

Snow in April is regarded as exceptional by most people, but it is not. Last year around this time it also snowed.

Wednesday, April 15, 1999

Visual Basic

Today, I for the first time debugged a Visual Basic program. So, I feel I can add another language to the list of programming languages I used. I feel that Visual Basic has some striking simularities with JavaScript.


This afternoon, I picked the Monet books from my previous office. It had already arrived last week, but until now, I had not found the opportunity to get them. It is a very interesting book. I think, I will spend many evenings looking into it, and admiring the paintings printed in these books.

Tuesday, April 20, 1999


Several events in the past days made me think again about what it means to be spiritual. Many people seek to be spiritual, or, to phrase it in a different, to become enlighted.

The bible also make a distinction between being spiritual, and being from the flesh. (See for example Corinthans)

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