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Diary, July 2017

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Monday, July 3, 2017


When at charity shop Het Goed, one of the people working there, when I was looking at the art book section, pointed out that there was half a shelve of catalogues (all rather thin, more like large flyers) from Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. As it was close to closing time, I was not able to scan all of them. I found three catalogues related to Peter Struycken. I found one of which I was sure that I already have and two that I was not sure about. At home it appeared that the one that I thought I might have, I did not have, and the one that I thought that I might not have, I did have. At 17:52, I bought the following two 'catalogues':

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


At 17:56, I bought the book The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists written by Neil Strauss in English and published by Canongate in 2007, ISBN:9781847672377, from charity shop Het Goed for € 1.95.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Gerrit Rietveld Academie

I went to Amsterdam, where I arrived at the central station at eleven. I took some metro's and after I short walk, I arrived around a quarter to noon at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie to look at the finals exhibition of this year. I stayed there till four in the afternoon. I found the following students with their work worth mentioning (in the order that I encountered them):

Afterwards, I visited bookshop Het Martyrium for about a quarter of an hour before closing and Scheltema, where I looked around for about one and half hour without buying anything.

On the way how, I saw two sun dogs with a rainbow pattern. I took a picture. When I biked home from the railway station, the sky turned red and I stopped to take some pictures of which the last turned out to be the best.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

AKI's serveertip

In the evening, I went to opening of AKI's serveertip exhibition with works from students that graduated from the AKI. I talked with: A picture by Paul Clason.

Friday, July 21, 2017


At 17:43, I bought the following two books from charity shop Het Goed:

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Hague

I went to RevSpace The Hague to help with the assembly of the SHA2017 badges. I worked on inserting the flexible cable from the e-ink display into a connector on the back of the PCB. This involved bending the cable into a U shape, opening the connector, inserting the cable, and closing the connector. The first took me about a minute, but when hours went by, it went faster and faster. I worked for about four hours at one of the four work stations. Next to use a team was working on flashing the software, glueing the display, and packaging the badge with display together with some additional LEDs, a vibration motor, a rechargable battery pack, and some other materials.

Afterwards, I went into the city center to look at some bookshops. At 17:07:26, I bought the book Who Stole My Spear? written by Tim Samuels in English and published by Random House in 2017, ISBN:9781784753368, from Van Stockum in The Hague for € 11.50. At 18:33, I bought the book Girl in a Band written by Kim Gordon in English and published by Faber & Faber, Limited in 2015, ISBN:9780571313839, from The American Book Center in The Hague for € 12.99.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


At Tetem art space, I watched a movie The Pack - Impressions from Our Family: Sixteen One Minute family albums Curated by Felix Burger. Then I joined the workshop by Saskia Griepink. We were asked to help her with working a piece of art made from polyurethane insulation foam. We had to cut a thin slice of the foam and after having painted it, stick it some fresh foam.

Next I went to the opening of the exhibition of Emma Bijkerk and Kirsten Everink at Artikel 1 Overijssel. They both showed earlier work. In the early works of Emma, you can clearly recognize her latest works as shown on the AKI finals exhibition. Kirsten shows creamic works, while at the finals exhibition she showed only paintings. Some of the creamic works have been decorated with painting.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


At 10:26, I bought the book 25 buildings you should have seen edited by Maaike Behm and Maarten Kloos, written in English, Dutch, Spanish, and German, and published by ARCAW/Architectura & Natura Press in 2002, ISBN:9789076863078, from charity shop Het Goed for € 0.95.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

First Python program

I wrote my first Python program, actually it is in MicroPython as adapted for the SHA2017 Badge. The program is an animation based on the first computer generated art works by Peter Struycken. I have uploaded (first version of) program to the Hatchery under P. Struycken. I am still going to adapt the program, because in the emulator I could not get the buttons to work.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

In the evening, Annabel and I went to watch Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. We both enjoyed the movie and were drawn into it. The movie did get some average reviews, particular with respect the script being to simple. Yes, that might be true, but it did not really bother me, because there were lots of twist and creative ideas to compensate for it. I also liked the less obvious humor that you often find in American movies. I also feel that it stay true to the tone of the comics series Valérian and Laureline it is based on. I like the more organic type of science fiction. This first movie feels as the first of a long series of movies. I heard that Luc Besson already wrote two script for sequels. However, it is doubtful that this will happen, because the movie did not do well in the USA, which most likely because it was not based on an American comic series.

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