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428,362 sets of equations
I calculated that there are 428,362 sets of equations for the the Irregular Chocolate Bar problem for the problem of finding 22 unique
integers which can be divided in up to and including 10 partitions. (This
calculation took 13 hours 39 minutes.) So far, my program has searched 62,378
of these sets of equations and found 959 solution with some duplicates
resulting in 554 unique solutions. It looks like the program will require some
more months to search the remaining sets of equations.
Three Dune Books
At 09:49, I bought the following three book from thrift store Het Goed, for € 0.95 each, all written in English
and published by New English Library:
- Dune Messiah written by Frank Herbert, published in 1977,
- Children of Dune written by Frank Herbert, published in 1977.
- God Emperor of Dune written by Frank Herbert, published in 1981,
I have now all books of the Dune series written by Frank Herbert both in English as in Dutch. I have not read all of them in
both languages.
This afternoon, I bought a print of the woodcut 'Droomkoppel' from Willemijn Calis, which I saw on April 14
at the exhibition 'China Dreams'.
At 9:52, I bought the following two books from thrift store Het Goed:
- The Awakening and Selected Short Fiction by
Kate Chopin, Rachel
Adams, and George Stade (also editor) in English and published by Barnes
& Noble in 2005,
ISBN:9781593081133for € 1.50.
- The Awakening - Thrift Study Edition written by Kate Chopin in
English and published by Courier Corporation in 2010,
ISBN:9780486475660, for € 0.95.
At 17:10, I bought the following seven comics (all in Dutch) from
Valérian and Laureline series, drawn by
Jean-Claude Mézières after a scenario by
Pierre Christin,
and published by Dargaud:
- Ravian: Het woedende water translated from La Cité des
eaux mouvantes, ISBN:9032003217, for € 2.50.
- Ravian: Land zonder sterren translated from Le Pays sans
étoile, for € 1.95.
- Ravian: Het verloren volk translated from Bienvenue sur
Alflolol, ISBN:9032003217, for € 1.95.
- Ravian: De ambassadeur de schaduwen translated from L'Ambassadeur
des Ombres, ISBN:9032002368, for € 1.95.
- Ravian: De vale schepper translated from L'Sur les terres
truquées, ISBN:9032002376, for € 2.50.
- Ravian: Brooklyn station eindpunt cosmos translated from Brooklyn
station terminus cosmos, for € 1.95.
- Ravian: De levende wapens translated from L'Sur les terres
truquées, ISBN:9067933147, for € 1.95.
Dairies of Doeschka Meijsing
I finished reading the book En liefde in mindere
mate: dagboeken 1961-1987 about the diaries of Doeschka Meijsing, a Dutch novelist. This is part one, as she died in
2012. It seems that the second part has not been published yet. Almost half of
the book consists of notes. Some of the notes, contain back ground information
that is not really relevant for understanding the diary. The editors of the
diaries, made a selection of her diary. They did not give information about
the ratio of entries they selected. I felt they might have better included more
entries and make the notes more concise. It was an interested read. It does
show, as so many biographies before, that people wrestle for many years with
problems in their lives and have a very hard time to change there basic habits.
Three fold rotation symmetry
I thought about a way to visualize the long
sequence of coloured rubber straps, and I came up with the following
In this figure there are ten triangles, one for each combination of the five
coloured rubber strapts, such that the vertices are on a circle representing
the repeated sequence. There are fifteen pairs of parallel lines, where each
pair represent two combination occuring in both directions along the sequence.
At first sight the figure seems to have some mirror symmetries, but actual it
has a three fold rotation symmetry.
KunstenLandschap 2018
In the afternoon, I went to KunstenLandschap 2018 (Art and landscape), which is a route along
19 (or so) locations, where some art is on display. I followed the route from
the first to the last location. Then I went back to one of the fighter bunker
to watch a dance performance by Tess
Lucassen and some others. There was also a puzzle quest. There were five
locations where you could make yourself woodcut print in the form of a puzzle
piece, that when put together formed one artwork of 40 by 60 cm designed by
Elsbeth Cochius. I made a KML file for Google Earth of the route that I biked. I met several people that I knew.
One of them was Kira Fröse, who had
decorated the inside of a small shelter bunker (at location Number 11). I
liked the following works the most:
At 09:58, I bought the book Oerol - logboek written (in Dutch) by Aleid
Koskamp, Paul Edens, Jolly van Loon, and Linda Verkaai, published by Drukkerij
Veltmann Enschede in 1996 from thrift store Het
Goed for € 1.50. It is a collection of grey cardboard sheets held
together by a spiral. Many of the pages contain printed photographs glued on
the cardboard.
In the evening, I went to the Gogbot
Café, which was held at Tetem art
space, with the following talks:
- Biomedia - on the future of organs without bodies and how to speculate
with life by Agnieszka Anna Wołodźko.
What are organs without bodies?
DNA as a storage media.
Babies from skin cells.
"The body is obsolete" Stelarc
Biology is the olders technology.
Not only living bodies by life itself becomes a commodity.
Biotech Informatic essentialism.
Why bioart now?
Patricia Piccinini.
Tissue Culture & Art Project.
Oron Catss and Ionat Zurr.
Heather Dewey-Hagborg.
Mary Maggic, Estrofemminizer.
Why die art play with life?
How to speculate with living organs?
AKI BIO MATTERs. With talks from
Raph Kim,
Sonja Bäumel,
Aniela Hoitink,
Zeger Reyers,
Adam Zaretsky, and
Špela Petrič.
- Elektronica geïnspired op ons brein. Een nano Frankenstein by
Wilfried G. van der Wiel.
Notes: Man-made processes versus brains.
Man-made: 10^11 operations, 100 Watt.
Brain: 10^16 operations, 10 Watt.
(Still seven orders of difference in efficiency.)
Riken K-Supercomputer: To simulate 1 sec of 1% brain activity 40 min of
computing were required using 8,000 Kw.
Artificial Neural Networks.
Relatively old concept. Deep learning: many hidden layers.
Nanomaterals as computing elements.
- Bioart Projects: From extra ears to second skins by
Stelarc and TC&A. HE/LA cell.
Partial Head.
Second Skin Incubator.
Marshall McLuham observed that when a medium becomes superseded it becomes
an art form and when biological life becomes obsolete it becomes vulnerable
to artistic intervention, to manipulation and moidifcation no longer
something to admire but rather something to redesign.
After a short break, Stelarc gave a Stick Man performance.
Three fold symmetry
There are another nine coloured strap sequences that have a three fold
symmetry, but all these have at least six cases where a certain colour
combinations of straps returns after a day. They are displayed below. I have
aligned them such that the 'big' triangle is oriented in the same way, with
one vertex on the right. I feel they look different from the sequence that I am using now.
The sequences (from a total of 8,540 unique sequences with respect to
permutations of the colours, starting position and direction) where found with
the program rubberBands.cpp.
At two meter, the maximum temperature at weather station at Twente Airport
was 29.4° Celsius and at 10 cm it was 32.1°. It would not surprise me
if these are record high temperatures for this day of the year. In the past
week the wind often comes from the East and becomes stronger in the second
part of the day.
This months interesting links
| April 2018
| June 2018