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De Poppe
Conny and I continued our search for
border poles. We walked in an area called De
Poppe. We encountered the following border stones:
- At 14:04, pole 17.
- At 14:07, pole 17-I.
- At 14:59, pole 17-II.
- At 15:04, pole 18.
- At 15:20, pole 20.
- At 15:41, pole 20-II.
- At 15:46, pole 20-III.
During the Easter weekend, Conny and I went to
Voorthuizen where we
rented hotel room at holiday part De Boshoek. We arrived on Friday after we had
searched for 'border stones' of the city Apeldoorn. In 1750 the border of the municipality of Apeldoorn was
established with wooden poles. Around 1794 the 26 wooden poles were replaced
with stone poles. Most of these stone poles have since been removed. Along the
entry roads, stone name signs of the city have been placed. It is these name
signs, on the East side of the city, we have searched. Conny used the
report (in Dutch) Speurtoch naar grenspalen and Google streetview to record the location of
these in Google maps. Later, I discovered that some of these poles and also
some others are indicated on various topographic maps.
On Saturday, we visited the Green Cathedral, which I visited before on August 25, 2016. We also walken around castle Geerestein just North of
Yesterday, we continued our search for the name signs. This time on the West of
the city. We also entered the crown domain Het Loo where we found another name
sign just besides one of the original border stones with the letter A and E on
opposing sides. We continued walking through the woods, which we felt were
rather boring. Today, we decided to go home early and not visit any places
on the way home, because rain, wet snow, hail, thunder
and strong winds were predicted. We did see some wet snow on the way home.
There was about 1cm of snow on my car this morning. The
roofs of houses, plants and some place on the ground were also covered with
snow. In the past days, there were a lot of winter showers with snow and hail
alternating with sunshine, several times even at the same time. On Monday
evening and Tuesday morning, there was also some snow on roofs and some other
areas. Todaym we also had some rain showers, but later in the afternoon, again
some hail.
After I came home from work, I worked on a program (at first based on
hexagonnum.cpp) to calculate the
number of convex polygons that can be constructed from a given number of
equal sized, equilateral triangles. When it did produce a sequence that looked
correct, I entered it in On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. To my surprise, it did not
return any results. Instead of suggesting it as a new sequence, I took the
advice to first search the encyclopedia. I came along sequence A096004: Number of convex triangular polyominoes containing n cells,
which looked like describing what I had calculated. When I compared it with my
own sequence, I discovered that the value for fifteen triangles/cells was
different. After some debugging, I discovered a bug in my program and after
fixing it, it returned the same sequence.
Het Haagse Bos
Because last week, the German governments demands all negative test for
COVID-19 for people crossing the border
from the Netherlands, Conny and I decided to
halt our search for border poles and instead
search for some marke stones and go for a walk through the forests known as
Het Haagse Bos where a marke stone can be found. We found the following
marke stones:
- At 12:34, Steen aan de kamp in het veld (19.33-02).
- At 12:44, Steen op het Wachtveld (19.32-06).
- At 12:47, Steen bij Hendrik Beumer (19.32-01).
- At 13:24, Snippertsteen (19.20.32)
The last stone is there were the marke Lonnekermarke, Lossermarke and
Luttermarke meet.
I have been thinking about genealogy the last days. Yesterday evening, I spend some time adding
some data to WikiTree
based on some data from the Dutch resource site: WieWasWie. First of all, I realized that the WikiTree is American
centered because, for example, the concept of a middle name is not universal.
Here in the Netherlands, we do not have the concept of a middle name. Someone
can have one or more firstnames, where having four firstnames is not rare.
(Not to talk about a generation name in some Asian countries.) The second thing I realized is
that although it is possible to add sources, it is not a source based approach.
During the night, I thought about an algorithmic approach to genealogy, where
the 'family tree' is constructed based on a collection of records. This
morning, I spend some time transcribing the marriage certificate of
Leonardus van Bragt and
Margaretha Dorothea Faase. The result of this is:
Heden den Zevenden Mei ACHTTIENHONDERD
NEGENTIG, verschenen voor ons, Ambtenaar van den burgerlijken stand der gemeente
Schoten in het huis derzelve gemeente,
ten einde een huwelijk aan te gaan:
Leonardus van Bragt
oud drie en twintig jaren, van beroep bloemkweeker
geboren te Velsen en wonende te Velsen,
meerderjarig zoon van Willem van Bragt van beroep
bloemkweeker en van Maria Elisabeth Alders, zonder
beroep, beiden wonende te Velsen, ter Eene
en Margaretha Dorothea Faase
oud vier en twintig jaren, van bezoep zonder,
geboren te Bloemendaal en wondende te Schoten,
meerderjarige dochter van Jacob Faase, van beroep
bloemkweeker, wonende te Schoten en van Petronella
Catharina van der Veld, overleden, ter Andere Zijde,
van welk huwelijk de vereischte afkondiging zonder stuiting hebben plaats gehad op
Zondagen, den Twingtigsten en Zeven en twintigsten April deze jaar
binnen deze gemeente en binnen de gemeente Velsen
Door de aanstaande echtgenooten zijn ons overgelegd:
1º Het bewijs, dat de huwelijksafkondigingen zonder Sluiting
zijn afgeloopen te Velsen, 2º hunne geboorte-akten,
3º de akte van overlijden der moeder van de bruid, 4º het
bewijs dat de bruidegom heeft voldaan aan de wet op
de Nationale Militie.
Voorts verklaarden de ouders van de bruidegom en de
vader van de bruid, die mede voor ons verschenen, hunne
toestemming tot het aangaan van dit huwelijk te geven.
Waarna wij hun in het openbaar hebben afgevraagd, of zij elkander aannemen tot
echtgenooten en getrouw de plichten zullen vervullen, welke door de Wet aan de huwelijken
staat verbonden zijn; hetwelke door hen toestemmend beantwoord zijnde, hebben wij in naam
de Wet verklaard, dat zij door het huwelijk zijn vereenigd. In tegenwoordigheid van:
Franciscus Faase, oud zestig jaren, van beroep bloemkweeker,
wonende te Bloemendaal, oom-; Johannes Franciscus
Faase, oud een en zestig jaren, wonende te Schoten, van be„
roep bloemkweeker, oom-; Cornelis Hendrik van Looij, oud
acht en veertig jaren, van beroep winkelier, wondende te Bloe„
mendaal, behuwdoom van de echtgenoot en Johannes
Alders, oud een en vijftig jaren, van beroep uurwekma„
ker, wonende te Schoten, oom van den echtgenoot.
En is hiervan door ons opgemaakt deze akte, welke na voorlezing, door ons, de com„
paranten en de getuigen is ondertekend.
Where I have marked all the handwritten parts in italics. The ordinal indicator in the certificate has two dashes instead of one in the
above transcription. I have used the Double Low-9 Quotation Mark as the
two commas that indicate a continuation with the next line. Something that
nowadays is usually done with a dash. This already shows some of the problems
with transcribing documents. And, so far, no one has verified the
transcription. In a distributed information system, you would at least have
some mechanism to sign a transcription to indicate who did the transcription
and who reviewed it with digital signatures. And there is also the problem that there could be
multiple interpretations of the document and that one would like to record
Next, I spend some time thinking about a way to represent all the data from
the above marriage certificate in some form of JSON. Most of the information is already included in the page, but, for example, the information about the witnesses is not
included. The extra information could be used to calculate the probability that
two people mentioned in different records are indeed one and the same person.
The information is also not in a computer readable form, although, I expect
that it is retrieved from some kind of database with a welldefined structure.
It would be nice if there is some kind of REST API to query this database.
Below an example of how the information in the marriage certificate could be
represented in a way that could be processed by a means of an application that
constructs a family tree.
{ "source":{
"Document type":"BS Huwelijk",
"Institution name":"Noord-Hollands Archief",
"Institution place":"Haarlem",
"Collection region":"Noord-Holland",
"Registration date":"07-05-1890",
"Certificate place":"Schoten"},
"name":"Leonardus van Bragt",
"name":"Willem van Bragt",
"name":"Maria Elisabeth Alders",
"bride": {
"name":"Margaretha Dorothea Faase",
"name":"Jacob Faase",
"name":"Petronella Catharina van der Veld",
"name":"Franciscus Faase",
"relationship":{"type":"uncle", "of":"bride"}},
"name":"Johannes Franciscus Faase",
"relationship":{"type":"uncle", "of":"bride"}},
"name":"Cornelis Hendrik van Looij",
"relation":{"type":"uncle through marriage", "of":"groom"}},
"name":"Johannes Alders",
"relation":{"type":"uncle", "of":"groom"}}]}}
{"person":"Franciscus Johannes Faase", "signature":"bd078fe...."}]}
As is often the case with a more formal approach to solving a problem is that
it requires a lot of more effort (and a different kind of mindset) than a
more informal approach. Also it requires a greater attention to details of the
people involved. And we should not forget that reality is always more complex
than one thinks at first and that it is thus very difficult to develop a
formalism which covers all cases.
Conny and I went walking through the adjecent
forests Snippert and Het Haagse Bos. At one point we came to
a location where the path was submerged in water and we wondered whether there
was a way to get to the other side when there appeared a woman on the other
side, who wanted to get to our side. After some searching, we found signs of
a small path leading around the area, which seemed to have been used for some
time, because at one place there were three wooden trunks laid side by side
over a water filled ditch. During our trip we found two two marke stones:
- At 14:43, Steen tegen het ossenschot (20.32-01).
- At 15:25, Steen aan 't Haagerbrook (20.32-02).
In full bloom
Today, finally, all the flowers of our magnolia
opened. It is almost three weeks ago that the first flowers opened. The
temperature has been quite low for the time of the year in recent weeks, even
dropping below zero degrees Celsius, causing some of the flowers to turn brown.
But this afternoon all the flowers had opened and you could smell the nice
scent of the magnolia in the garden.
Hexagon puzzel
I gave Conny a small wooden puzzle as
a present. In the Netherlands it is sold under the name Hexagon puzzel.
It is produced in China, Yunhe County, Lishui City. The product model is XC-808 with the name
Interesting Changeful Puzzle. She wanted to know how many solutions it
had. After some wrong tries (including not realizing that the pieces could
not be used upside down), I arrived at the conclusion that there are 4702
solutions excluding solutions that are the same with respect to rotation of
the whole solution. I took the btc24_to_ec.cpp program, which I developed for the Beat the Computer No. 24 puzzle, and made it into a more generic program
for puzzles on a hexagon grid (with either hexagons or triangles), calling it
hexagon_to_ec.cpp. The command
line arguments 1 --flat need to be used for the Hexagon puzzel.
The output is fed into an exact cover solver and
postprocessed with a small program that makes a letter string of each solution.
Below all the solutions are shown in a random manner or can be traversed using
the buttons. (The 'a' piece is always placed in the same orientation.)
Groot Peter
Conny and I walked to the shopping center
called Winkelcentrum Zuid to visit some shop and way home we went to see
the marke stone Steen bij Groot Peter
(33.34-05). This a replica that is placed on September 16, 2016 in the North
East corner of the intersection of Wesselerbrinklaan (runing North-South), Het
Bijvank (on the West). and Het lang (on the East). The original marke stone
was in the middle of Wesselerbrinklaan just South of the intersection . Behind
the stone (as seen from the center of intersection) there are a number of oak
trees that belonged to a farm called Groot Peter. The kadaster of 1832 shows a
farm called Peters at that location. Often when a son of farmer would start a
new farm near the farm of his father, the names of the farms were prefixed with
the words Groot (big) for the original farm and Klein (small) for the new
farm. This is probably how the name Groot Peter came into existence. The
adjective Klein and Groot are also found in surnames from people coming from
this region, because for a long time people were named after the farm where
they came from instead of with a surname or patronym.
GOGBOT café, яєαℓιту ιѕ ѕуηтнєтι¢
I watched this GOGBOT café on
YouTube. It has
talks by:
Followed by video screening of Kesson live
coding + AI generated visuals based on a sound recording of Chebedajha (aka Jeannetta Petrik).
Witte Veen
This morning Conny and I went walking in
Het Witte Veen (The White Peat), a peat and forest area near the German
border. At, 9:01, we visited the triangulation point 340204, which is on a
stone. At 10:18, we visited triangulation point 340329, which is a bolt on a
small building. At 10:35, we visited triangulation point 359306. Not sure if we
actually saw it, because some note seems to suggest it is located underground.
End of curfew
Today, the curfew ends together with some other restrictions, one of them
being that you no longer have to make reservation to visit a non-essential
shop. On my way home, I visited thrift store
Het Goed. There were some long queues before some large retail shops this
afternoon. It is a little strange that some restrictions are lifted, because
there is no real sign that the number of infected people is dropping. The
number of people at the ICU of hospitals in the Netherlands remains high. We
are still at the top op the fourth wave were the numbers are higher than during
the second and third wave. Yesterday was Koningsdag (King's Day) and many people went to the city centers to
celebrate it. It seems that people no longer view COVID-19 as a serious problem and are acting like it.
This months interesting links
| March 2021
| May 2020