Notice: This is not the official home page of the TransCoop project, which has disappeared, but the one maintained by Frans, one of it's members. Many pages and documents that the original page used to link to have disappeared. These links have been removed from this page and some documents have been replaced with local ones.

The TransCoop project

Transaction Management Support for Cooperative Applications (TransCoop ESPRIT Project 8012).
Work area
Advanced, cooperative transaction models for database systems, powerful specification language.
Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung,
Dolivostrasse 15, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
(IPSI institute)
Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT) SF
University of Twente (UT) NL
object-oriented database systems, transaction management, cooperative work, specification languages for database systems.
Starting date
April 1994.
Completion date
June 1997.


The aim of TransCoop was the development of a language for defining different kinds of cooperative tasks, the development of a transaction model that can be parameterized to support the execution of different kinds of such tasks as defined by the specification language, and the definition of a formal model to prove that the transaction management scheme meets the requirements of cooperative tasks defined in the language.

An introduction to the results of the project are given in the article Transaction Support of Cooperative Work: An Overview of the TransCoop Project, which was presented at the TransCoop Workshop held on June 5-6, 1997 in Darmstadt, Germany. The results are presented in detail in a book about the project, entitled Transaction Management Support for Cooperative Applications, was published by Kluwer in December 1997. Current existing home pages about the TransCoop project at:

Results of the project

The following deliverables were completed during the first year of the project: The following deliverables were completed during the second year of the project: The following deliverables were completed during the third and last year of the project: (All deliverables were made public as technical reports by the responsable partner.)

The following conference and journal papers were published:

People involved in the TransCoop project

At GMD, IPSI institute, DIMSYS department

At University of Twente, Computer Science Department, IS workgroup

At VTT, Information Technology

At University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science

TransCoop project meetings