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Diary, November 2020

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Marke stone and border poles

Conny gave me the book Landscape Photography with text and photographs by Saskia Boelsums and published by Terra Uitgeverij in 2019, ISBN:9789089898104, for my birthday. We saw some of her photographs at the Drents Museum on July 29.

In the morning, when the weather was still a bit sunny, and we took the car to search for some marke stones and border poles. We first went to search for the Fabbelhuttensteen marke stone, which we could not find on August 3. Now that the corn has been harvest, it was easy to find. Next we searched for the border pole near the Grenzweg in Gronau. We walked past it on May 31. At 11:20 we found the border pole 845-Y. We saw pole 845-X again. We drove to Arendsweg. There we walked along the border towards the south. We walked along pole 840-G, which we found on May 21 and found 840-F. We hoped to find another pole, but we did not. We also followed some other path between fields with cows in the direction of the border, but it ended before reaching the border.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Palindrome date (DD-MM-YY and YY.MM.DD)

Today is a palindrome date when written according to the DD-MM-YY format: 02-11-20 and the YY.MM.DD formats: 20.11.02. The previous such date was November 21, 2012 and the next will be November 12, 2021. This is the sixth special date of this year.

19.4° Celcius

Last night the temperature did not drop below 16.7°C (at the weather station of Airport Twente) and around seven in the morning, the old record of 18.1°C of highest temperature on this day in 1968 was already broken. In the early afternoon, the record temperature of 19.4°C was reached.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Walking in Twekkelo

Conny and I went walking in Twekkelo around the road Zwartevenneweg and the road Grote Esweg. We both had not walked around and were a little surpriced by the number of cars on the parking lot near the entrance of the area. We had come by bike. In the area also the marke stone called 'Steen op Christinalust' can be found, which marks the border between the marke Usselo and Twekkelo. When walking around the area, we found many different types of mushrooms and fungi, some of which we had not seen before.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


Today, Conny and I went searching for the marke stone known as Broekheurnerpaal, which is on the border of the former marke Buurse and Usselo, which now is the border of the townships Haaksbergen and Enschede. We discovered that it could be reached by walking along a channeled brook. We found it around 12:09. We continued walking along the brook, but decided to return about half way to the next road. We saw three deer walking in the fields. They came towards us, but changed course when they became aware of us. They jumped over the brook a few hundred meter from us and dissapeared in the fields. A little further we noticed that the field was covered with cobwebs that was slowly dancing in the little wind there was.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Four marke linden tree

Conny and I went searching for some marke stones. First, we visited the border between the townships Haaksbergen and Enschede on the main road connecting the two cities. There we located the Goorpaal, a replica, which was placed on September 19, 2020 on a slightly different location from the original stone that was placed around 1825 at the border of the marke Haaksbergen en Honesch and the marke Usselo. Next we went to the water treatment area called Kristalbad, which is located between Enschede and Hengelo and is filled with effluent from the wastewater treatement plant of Enschede. The border of the marke Twekkelo and the marke Groot Driene crosses through the Kristalbad. The border can easily be recogned from aerial pictures. On one of the (inaccessible) islands there is an original marke stone, known as Koekoeksteen. After having walked around the area, we went to University of Twente where we looked at the marke stone known as 'Steen tussen het Driener en Twekkelerveld'. We drove a little further and parked the car on a road called 'De Achterhorst' near some houses of employees of the university. We walked along a path at the border where we found another marke stone called 'Steen aan het hooiland van Van Heek' to arrive at the tree (a lime tree) at the cross point of the four marke Groot Driene, Twekkelo, Esmarke and Lonneker, called Viermarkenlinde, which translate as four marke linden tree. Not far from this tree, there is another marke stone, called 'Paal op het erf van Helmich van Heek', but it is on private property and thus not accessible. We walked around the area, including the Abraham Ledeboer park (which has a one of the highest sequoiadendron giganteum trees in the Netherlands) and ended up encircling the marke stone. highest

Monday, November 23, 2020

Topographic atlas

At 17:30, I bought the book Topografische atlas van Drenthe written by Thomas Termeulen in Dutch and published by De Vrije Uitgevers in 2015, ISBN:9789077350805, from charity shop Het Goed for € 2.50. Although it is called an atlas, it is actually the loose-leaf edition, consisting of 104 maps (printed double sided), with references to each other.

Friday, November 27, 2020


Since reading about MyNOR, I have been thinking about whether it would be possible to create a CPU from a SRAM IC (like for example, AS7C1026B). Olivier Bailleux build a CPU from EPROMS. Of course, the contents of the ram should be initialized first. Probably some kind of counter is needed and also some latches. The idea is to keep the number of components as small as possible.

Overkill Festival

Starting from 19.00, we watched the opening of Overkill Festival, which this year is an online edition. Before we already opened the Festival Box and checked its contents. After the opening, we looked at the online exhibition and got hooked on Realness - Intimate garden by Sandrine Deumier (after we watched Pest to Power by Natasha Tontey). There was no sound (or very little) with the life coding music event. We looked around the online exhibition and watched: Mélas de Saturne by Josèfa Ntjam. We also stumbled on the 'hidden' room with the AKI expo. I found the Bon Voyage by Andrea Ballestra interesting.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Code generation

I the past week, I have worked some time on a template script library, Templ_script, which I developed last year as part of an open source library. I found myself bumping against similar design decisions that I also encounter while working on ParParser. Both are programs written in C using a similar coding style. I searching for methods to separate the essence of an algorithm from its implementation, or at least to have some mechanism to easily modify parts of an implementation. Templ_script itself is intended for code generation. (One of the nice features is that it has a built-in debugger that allows you to break on any position in the generated output. Another feature is that uses lazy evaluation for string generation.) Although it can be used for code generation, it does not cover all aspects of code generation. I have been pondering about the idea of a code generator that 'understands' the semantic properties of the target language and, for example, can help with the generation of variable names based on knownledge of variable contexts.)

Little Joe

In the evening, we watched the film Little Joe, which was shown as part the Overkill Festival. Before the film there was a Jitsi video call during which we had to create a flower using materials found in the Festival Box. Afterwards, we watched the BBB_ performance Songs of Cyborgoise.

This months interesting links

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