Publication of Frans
- Andrew Josey, Phil Beauvoir,
Frans Faase, A Guide to the ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format
- ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format (contributor)
- Frans Faase, Misleid door feministen,
Letter to the editor in Intermediair,
week 29, July 21, 2005, page 5.
- Frans Faase, Gevleugelde mens,
Letter to the editor in Intermediair,
week 50, December 11, 2003, page 41.
- Frans Faase, Begin met logisch datamodel (Start with the logical datamodel),
Computable, January 17, 2003, page 20-21.
- Frans Faase, Het sprookje van Jozef en Maria,
Letter to the editor in
week 1, January 9, 2003, page 41.
- Frans Faase, Intelligence profile of children with Kabuki,
The Kabuki Journal, Winter 2002, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pages 3-4.
- Frans Faase, Fata morgana in ons hoofd,
Letter to the editor in
year 38, week 38, September 19, 2002, page 45.
- Frans Faase, Bert Neut nog goed af met lage bekeuring,
Letter to the editor in
Twentsche Courant Tubantia, Friday, November 23, 2001.
- Frans Faase, Behaviour Study of Children with the Kabuki Syndrome,
The Kabuki Journal, vol. 3, issue 2, Summer 2001, page 4.
- Frans Faase, Dotnet, Letter to the editor in
year 37, week 13, March 29, 2001, page 47.
- Frans Faase, De ongrijpbare Nazarener, Letter to the editor in
year 37, week 1, January 4, 2001, page 57.
- Frans Faase, Fourth Dutch Kabuki Day, The Kabuki Journal,
vol. 3, issue 1, Winter 2001, page 3 & 7.
- Frans Faase, Arno Harteveld, Roland Hartman,
XP maakt korte metten met bestaande ontwikkelingsmethoden,
p. 17, Automatisering Gids,
nr. 35, September 1, 2000.
(An article about eXtreme Programming with an
by Jos Thommassen)
- F.J. Faase,
S.J. Even,
R.A. de By, The Transcoop Specification
Environment, Chapter 6 in
Transaction Management Support for
Cooperative Applications,
R.A. de By, W. Klas, J. Veijaleinen
(editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. ISBN 0-7923-8100-9.
- F.J. Faase, On counting specific spanning subgraphs of the graphs
G x P_n, Ars Combinatoria, Volume 49, August 1998.
- F.J. Faase,
S.J. Even,
R.A. de By,
P. Apers,
Integrating Organisational and Transactional Aspects of Cooperative
Activities. 6th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages
- S.J. Even, F.J. Faase,
R.A. de By,
Language Features for Cooperation in an Object-Oriented
Database Environment, International Journal of Cooperative
Information Systems. Vol 5, No. 4 (1996) 469-500.
- P.A.C. Verkouwen, F.J. Faase, A.W. Selders and P.J.J. Oude Egberink,
Requirements for an Advanced Database Transaction Model to Support
Design for Manufacturing,
"Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing"
conference in Stuttgart, 1995, Begell House, New York.
- H. Alblas and F.J. Faase, Attributed Abstract Program Trees,
in Essays on concepts, formalisms and tools, pages 217-230,
Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.
Technical reports
- Susan Even,
Frans Faase, Hannu Kaijanranta, Justus Klingman,
Olli Pihlajamaa,
Thomas Tesch and
Jürgen Wäsch,
Design of the TransCoop Demonstrator System,
October 30, 1996,
Deliverable 7.1)
- Susan Even,
Frans Faase,
Olli Pihlajamaa, and
Rolf de By,
The TransCoop Specification Environment,
Memoranda Informatica 96-21, University of Twente, May 15, 1996,
Deliverable 4.4)
- F.J. Faase,
Susan J. Even,
R.A. de By,
An introduction to CoCoA,
Memoranda Informatica 96-10,
University of Twente, Sept 1996,
Deliverable 4.3)
- S. Even en F.J. Faase,
Language Features for Co-operation,
Memoranda Informatica 95-40, University of Twente, May 1995,
Deliverable 4.2)
- T. Tesch (editor),
Requirements for the transaction model,
January 20, 1995.
Deliverable 2.2)
- P. Verkouwen (editor)
Requirements for the specification language,
Memoranda Informatica 95-16, University of Twente, January 20, 1995.
Deliverable 2.1)
- S. Even en F.J. Faase,
Merge Options for LOTOS and TM,
January 1995.
Deliverable 4.1)
- F.J. Faase, Documentation and Source of the AAPT-Evaluator
Generator, Memorandum INF-89-49, 257 pages, September 1989.
- F.J. Faase, Two VAX-PASCAL Terminal Interface Modules for Visualizing
Scanning and Parsing, Memorandum INF-89-17, 20 pages, March 1989.
- F.J. Faase, Specification and Implementation of an Attributed Abstract
Program Tree Evaluator Generator, Memorandum INF-88-59, 43 pages,
December 1988.
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